Generics in Java vs .NET

A .NET developer's perspective

• 17 minutes read C#.NETJavaGenericsProgramming languages



I'm a .NET developer, writing C# code. But 9 months ago, I joined a company whose code is almost exclusively Java. As I have gotten more into writing Java code, I have become more aware of the differences between Java and my beloved C#.

Both Java and C# are at their core general-purpose object-oriented programming languages, with similar syntaxes, but there are some fundamental differences that are not apparent until you dig deeper. In particular, when coming to how generics has been implemented. It is not just about the language but their respective platforms and runtime environment.

Java erases generic type arguments when compiling your Java code into bytecode, while .NET has implemented generics in the runtime, so it retains type arguments. This has a huge impact on the code you write - how flexible you can be.

This article will walk you through generics in both languages - highlight the similarities as well as showing you the differences. We will use a comparative approach. There will be a lot of code samples.

And I will provide my thoughts and opinions as a .NET developer.


  1. Terminology
  2. What is generics?
  3. Syntax
    1. Generic classes
    2. Generic methods
    3. Constraints
  4. Java Type erasure
  5. .NET Runtime generics
  6. Reflection
    1. Retrieve information about a type
    2. Pass information about a type parameter into a method
    3. Retrieve the type argument of a generic type
    4. Invoke a generic static method
    5. Java: An issue with serializers and generic classes
  7. My thoughts on type erasure
  8. Conclusion


Here is a list of some of the terms that will pop up during the course of this article:

  • Type parameter - The generic type parameter that takes a type as an argument.
  • Type argument - The type passed into a type parameter.
  • Parameterized type - An instantiated generic type that has taken on type arguments. See also Closed generic type.
  • Open generic type - Type that has not yet been instantiated with a type argument.
  • Closed generic type - Type that has been instantiated with a type argument.
  • Unbound generic type name - The name of a generic type that has not been bound with any type argument.
  • Bound generic type name - The name of a generic type that has been bound with one of more type arguments.
  • Constraint - Restricts the possibilities of types that can be passed as argument to a type param.
  • Bounded generic parameter - A type parameter that has gotten constrained to a set of types. (Java)
  • Super class - Class from which a certain class derive (or inherit) from. (Java)
  • Base class - Synonymous with Super class (.NET)
  • Sub class - A class that has been derived from another type. (Java)
  • Common Language Runtime (CLR) - The .NET runtime environment (virtual machine), which C# is targeting.
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM) - Javas runtime environment. Where Java bytecode is running.
  • Bytecode - A specialized instruction set used by virtual machines, such as JVM and the CLR. Compilation target for programming languages.
  • Common Intermediate Language (CIL) - .NET's bytecode. Also called MSIL.
  • Java bytecode - Java's bytecode
  • Metadata - Data describing data. In our case, the structure of a program, it's types and their members.

Some terms are more common in one language than the other.

The terms extending, subclassing, inheriting from and deriving from all refer to a class taking on characteristics from another class, its base class, or super class.

What is generics?

Generic programming, or "generics", is a style of programming in which types and functions take parameters of data types that get specified later. This allow us to generalize algorithms so that they work on different data types, as long as we can make sure they are compatible with the logic itself.

This means that a generic type or a function get instantiated by taken a type argument, telling it what data type it either takes as input, output, or both.

The first language that introduced generics was Ada in 1977. Later C++ came, and introduced templates as its version of generics. Both Java and C# are considered part of the C language family, together with C++.

Here is what a template looks like in C++:

template<typename T>
class List {
  // Class contents.

List<Animal> list_of_animals;
List<Car> list_of_cars;

template<typename T>
void Swap(T& a, T& b) {
  T temp = b;
  b = a;
  a = temp;

std::string world = "World!";
std::string hello = "Hello, ";
Swap(world, hello);
std::cout << world << hello << ‘\n’;  // Output is "Hello, World!".

First Java, and then C#, would iterate on the syntax.

Generics in Java

In 1995, Java was released. Generics was added in 2004 - in J2SE 5.0. It was implemented in the compiler by means of type erasures. All type parameters get removed as part of code compilation. Meaning that the JVM runtime doesn't know about type parameters. Type parameters are essentially replaced by type Object. This was to not introduce big changes that would break existing code. Collections, like java.util.ArrayList without specifying type parameters continued to work.

In Java, only classes and interfaces may have type parameters.

Generics in .NET

.NET and C# was released in 2001, and added generics to the runtime and languages in 2005 - as part of .NET Framework 2 and C# 2. The support for generics was built into the type system and the Common Language Runtime (CLR) itself. Meaning that the runtime knows about both generic types, methods, and type arguments in the code that it executes.

The types that can have generic type parameters are classes, structs, interfaces, and delegates.

The introduction of generics in .NET back in 2005 meant that developers would have to make a decision to opt into the new generic collections - going from System.Collections.ArrayList to System.Collections.Generic.List<T>.

The .NET runtime generics came out of a Microsoft Research project that was headed by computer scientist Don Syme. He later came to create F#, a functional programming language for .NET, based on OCaml, that heavily utilized generics and type inference. C# has since then continually borrowed from F# and the functional programming space.

The current lead architect for the C# programming language at Microsoft, Mads Torgersen, was involved in developing Java, and in particular contributing to generics. So everything comes full circle. All languages are developed by borrowing features, skills, and talents. They are continuously improving to stay relevant.


Let's go through the syntax of Java and C#, respectively, when it concerns generics

Generic classes

When it comes to defining generic types, both Java and C# fundamentally have a pretty similar syntax. Not surprising because the designers of C# were initially inspired a lot by Java, which preceded C#, so of course they borrowed.


This is what a generic class definition looks like in Java.

class MyList<T> {
    public void add(T item) {


    public T first() {


With multiple parameters:

class MyList<T1, T2> { }


Here is the basic C# generic class definition:

class MyList<T>
    public void Add(T item) {


    public T First() {


With multiple parameters:

class MyList<T1, T2> { }

Instantiating generic types

This section is about how you instantiate (create) objects of generic types.


In Java, the type param of the expression assigned is optional as it is inferred from the target.

MyList<Foo> list = new MyList<>();

But it is, of course, mandatory if you assign to var. (Java 17)

var list = new MyList<Foo>();


In C#, you have to provide the type param in the expression being assigned:

MyList<Foo> list = new MyList<Foo>();

var list = new MyList<Foo>();

Unless you use this shorthand target-type initializer:

MyList<Foo> list = new ();

Subclassing (Inheritance)

The term subclassing refers to a class deriving from another class. Taking on its characteristics, while still being unique. In this case, from a generic class.


class SuperList<T> extends MyList<T> { }

class SuperListOfFoo extends MyList<Foo> { }

Of course, the same applies to implementing interfaces.


In C#, you can subclass from both open and closed generics types, and interfaces:

class SuperList<T> : MyList<T> { }

class SuperListOfFoo : MyList<Foo> { }

Generic methods

The main syntactical difference for generic method declarations is where the generic type parameter is placed.

Later, you will also see examples of generic static methods in the context of reflection.


Java places the generic parameter list before the return type. The designers probably wanted it to make it clear when it is a generic definition.

class Utils {
    public <T> void add(T item) {


The syntax is similar for static methods, just that you add the static keyword.

class MyStaticClass {
    public static <T> void doSomething(T item) {

Issue with method overloading

The overloading of methods with parameters of the same generic type, but with different arguments, is not valid due to type erasure.

The following is ambiguous to the compiler:

class Utils {
    public <T> void add(List<int> item) { }

    public <T> void add(List<string> item) { }

The compiler essentially sees both variants as the following - which causes a conflict:

public <T> void add(List<Object> item){ }

The way to solve this in Java is to not do overloading, and to instead give each method a unique name. For example: addIntList addStringList.


In C#, the generic parameter list comes after the name of the method. I guess so that the name of the method is in focus.

class Utils
    public void Add<T>(T item)
Method overloading

As .NET retains information about generic type parameters, each method or type is unique by their arguments.

So you can, unlike in Java, overload a method like this:

class Utils
    public void Add<T>(List<int> item) { }

    public void Add<T>(List<string> item){ }


There are some significant difference when it comes to type parameter constraints, both in syntax and what the type systems of each platform support.

In Java, this feature is referred to as "Bounded type parameters".


In Java, the constraint is inlined with the type parameter.

Here T is constrained to Foo (or derived classes):

class Utils {
    public <T extends Foo> void add(T item) {


This is what its looks like when constraining a type param to a particular interface (including derived interfaces):

class Utils {
    public <T implement Comparable> void add(T item) {


You can have multiple constraints:

class Foo<T1 extends Bar, T2 extends Dough> { }

Java also has got a wildcard type params constraint (?). They refer to an unknown type.

public static void paintAllBuildings(List<? extends Building> buildings) {

Assume that we have class House class derives from class Building. A generic type of ArrayList<Building> is not assignable from ArrayList<House> due to the invariance in Java's type system.

In essence, using a constrained wildcard like in the code above does make it possible to do this:

ArrayList<House> houses = new ArrayList<>();
houses.add(new House());

ArrayList<Building> buildings = houses;

.NET doesn't have wildcards, but there is covariance and contra-variance for interfaces using the in and out keywords prefixing the type parameter.


In C#, the type parameter constraints are placed after either the method name, or the parameter list of a method.There are also many more constraints available than in Java. (List below)

class MyBag<T>
    where T : Foo, IComparable


This is what it looks like for a method:

class Utils
    public void Add<T>(T item)
        where T : Foo, IComparable

You can even have multiple constraints for different type parameters:

class Foo<T1, T2>
    where T1 : Bar
    where T2 : Dough


C# has these constraints:

Constraint Descirption
where T : struct The type argument T must be a non-nullable value type
where T : class The type argument T must be a reference type
where T : class? The type argument T must be a nullable reference type. Valid in a nullable context.
where T : notnull The type argument T must be a non-nullable type.
where T : default This constraint resolves the ambiguity when you need to specify an unconstrained type parameter when you override a method or provide an explicit interface implementation
where T : unmanaged The type argument T must be a non-nullable unmanaged type
where T : new() The type argument T must have a public parameterless constructor
where T : <base class name> The type argument T must derive from the specified base class, or a class derived from it. In a nullable context
where T : <base class name>? The type argument T must derive from the specified base class, or a class derived from it. Allows for null values in a nullable context.
where T : <interface name> The type argument T must derive from the specified interface.
where T : <interface name>? The type argument T must derive from the specified interface. Allows for null values in a nullable context.
where T : U The type argument T must derive from type argument U

The Nullable context is a fancy way of saying that the feature called "nullable reference types" has been enabled (Nullable Foo? vs non-nullable Foo), and that the compiler will either warn or report an error if you pass a possible null value into a non-nullable variable.

Java Type erasure

Java works on type erasure. In places where types are being passed as type parameters, the compiler just throws away the information of what the type was - substitutes it with Object. Nothing will be emitted as part of compilation (the class files) that will tell you what type was used as an argument. But you will of course know if a class is a generic definition.

Type safety on generic type parameters is only enforced at compile-time.

The JVM has no runtime concept of an instantiated generic class (closed type). The discovery of type arguments is reliant on code trickery in order to persist that information for others to consume. We will dig into that soon.

Examples of type erasure

Here are some examples showing how type erasure works in Java.

As said, type argument get erased, and places where type parameters are used they get replaced by type Object:

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

Will simply become:

List list = new ArrayList();

With the method add(T item) becoming add(Object item). Technically, it already is to the runtime.

Generic methods

Consider this generic method definition:

<T> T foo(T arg) {}

It would be turned into this:

Object foo(Object arg) {}

If you have a method parameter of a class that takes a generic parameter:

void printList(List<T> arg) {}

It will be turned into this:

void printList(List arg) {}

This also has implications for overloading on method parameters of types that take generic parameters, since type params are de-facto Object. That has already been explained in the Syntax section.

.NET Runtime generics

.NET has runtime support for generics. The generic type parameters are stored in the assembly - in the metadata together with the CIL bytecode. Upon executing a program, the CLR (.NET Runtime) loads all metadata, verifies it, and uses it to determine how to Just-in-time (JIT) compile the bytecode into machine code in a way that is optimized for the CPU of machine it is running on.

The runtime is aware of generics, and make smart choices on how to allocate memory based on the type being passed as a type parameter.

Generics in the type system

Generics is built into the .NET unified type system, where a generic construct will have an open form, and potentially several closed (or instantiated) forms. Instantiations of a generic type are considered proper types in the .NET type system.

This is an open generic type that has not taken on any type arguments yet:


While this is a closed generic type with the type argument string. We read it as "List of string".


Since an instantiated generic type is its own type, you can overload on parameters of generic types taking different type arguments:

void PrintList(List<int> arg) {}

void PrintList(List<string> arg) {}

This is not the case in Java, due to type erasure, as pointed out earlier in this article.

Side note: The mangled name of type in the metadata is System.Collections.Generic.List`1. This indicates that it is a generic type that has one type parameter - hence the `1. The name of the instantiated type is System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]. It can be used to retrieve the Type using Type.GetType(string name).


Reflection is the ability to reflect on your program and it's types and their members. In a managed runtime environment like .NET CLR, or the JVM, this is a service provided by the runtime in the form of an API.

Reflection is a powerful feature that allows for meta programming. But it should be used carefully. Not knowing how the APIs work - where the allocation are - might lead to a performance hit. A general advice is that anything retrieved from the APIs should be cached and reused, so to not affect the performance of your application.

Note on the design of APIs

I do think that the built in reflection API in .NET is very well designed. It is clean, an I prefer it before Java. Much is thanks to how consistent .NET is in treating types at runtime - of course, how it integrates generics.

In .NET Type represents a specific type in the type system, whether it is a class, value type, or generic type. It can represent both open generic classes (List<>) and closed generic classes (List<int>).

The API in Java, as we will see, is not that unified due to it's implementation of generics. You have to go through some extra hoops, make method calls and cast types, to retrieve the info about type parameters.

Retrieve information about a type

This section covers how to obtain information about a type from code, whether statically from its name, or via an object instance.


Java primarily uses the Class<T> object which represents type information about a class. The T is the actual class. Det You obtain this object either through final Foo.class field on a class, or by doing obj.getClass() on an object.

You can do Foo.class and Bag<>.class - but not Bag<Coffee>.class or T.class. Since generics is erased when code is compiled.

Class<Integer> integerType = Integer.class
Class openListType = ArrayList<>.class;
Class t = Class.forName("java.util.ArrayList");

<T> void foo(Class<T> typeParam) {



There is also a low level Type class, from which the Class<T> is derived.

Just note, that since type parameters are erased, the generic args <Integer> of variable types may be optional - depending on your settings. Type parameters are seen as of type Object by the runtime.

List<T> in Java is an interface, while in C# List<T> is a class, implement IList<T>. In Java, the most common class implementing List<T> is ArrayList<T>.


In .NET have the Type class from which you can obtain information of a type at runtime, including generic type parameters, whether the class is open or closed. You have the typeof(Foo) operator which does work on generic types, both closed typeof(Bag<Coffee>), and open typeof(Bag<>). Even on the parameters typeof(T). From an instance you get its Type by invoking obj.GetType().

var intType = typeof(int);
var intListType = typeof(List<int>);
var openListType = typeof(List<>);
var t = Type.GetType("System.Collection.List`1");

void Foo<T>() 
    var typeParam = typeof(T); // int


The int keyword is an alias for Int32 which is a value type. In the type system of .NET, everything is an object, even values.

In Java, int belongs to the primitive types, and has to be wrapped by the Integer class in order to be passed as an argument to a generic type parameter.

Pass information about a type parameter into a method

This has been hinted at in previous samples.

The way you pass info about type information into a method is different in Java, that used type erasure, compared to in a language like C# that has runtime awareness of generics.


In Java, in order to pass type information of generic type argument into a method, you have to pass its Class<T> as a method parameter. This is due to type erasure, since the method can’t resolve that type.

<T> void foo(Class<T> typeParam) {
    var name = typeParam.getSimpleName();



In C#, you can simply request the info about a parameter since it has been provided by the metadata and runtime. The CLR even knows about the constraints of respective parameter.

void Foo<T>() 
    var paramType = typeof(T);
    var name = typeParam.Name;


Retrieve the type argument of a generic type

So how would you retrieve the type argument of a generic type in respective language?


This is how you retrieve the actual generic argument in Java:

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();

Class<ArrayList> listClass = list.getClass();

Type typeArg = ((ParameterizedType) listClass.getGenericInterfaces()[0])

var typeArgClass = (Class<Object>)typeArg;

You could also get the Class of a type using Class.fromClass("java.util.ArrayList") or Class.fromClass("java.util.ArrayList<Integer>");


The approach is similar in C#, but the API a bit cleaner:

List<int> list = new ();

Type listType = list.GetType(); // Type for List<Int32>

Type typeArg = listType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; // Type for Int32

You could as well get the type statically:

Type listType = typeof(List<int>);

Type typeArg = listType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; // Type for Int32

Invoke a generic static method

We will look into how to retrieve generic static methods and invoking them through reflection.


Consider this generic static method in Java:

class MyClass {
    public static <T> void myMethod(T value) {}

Since types are erased, you can retrieve the method by getting the overload with method parameter of type Object:

Method myMethod = MyClass.class.getMethod("myMethod", Object.class);

method.invoke(null, "Hello");

Due to the parameter being of type Object, you can pass objects of any type as argument without the runtime complaining.


C# retains type information for methods. You can retrieve information about an open generic methods, and then instantiate a closed version from it. The runtime will also validate arguments when invoking that method.

class MyClass
    public static void MyMethod<T>(T value) {}

Here we retrieve the MethodInfo of the generic static method, and we make a version using the provided type arguments. Then we invoke the method.

MethodInfo myMethod = typeof(MyClass).GetMethod("MyMethod");

var myMethodString = myMethod.MakeGenericMethod(new [] { typeof(string) });

myMethodString.Invoke(null, new [] { "Hello" });

If you provide an incompatible type as an argument when invoking the method, the runtime will throw an exception.

Java: An issue with serializers and generic classes

As I wanted to serialize JSON in Java, I ran into some challenges.

What if the desired class that you want to deserialize to has a generic type parameter. How do you pass that statically to the serialization method so that it knows what typ to deserialize to?

I was using Jackson. And the API looks like this:

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); 
Foo myFoo = objectMapper.readValue(json, Foo.class);

The code below comes from Baeldung.

You pass the Class<T> to the method. But what if you can't? Like for this generic type.

public class JsonResponse<T> {
    private T result;

    // getters and setters...

public class User {
    private Long id;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    // getters and setters...

In C#/.NET I would do like this - with System.Text.Json:

JsonResponse<User>? weatherForecast = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonResponse<User>>(jsonString);

In java, the solution is the Super token pattern_. This implies that we wrap the type parameter in a class that retrieves the type args which can't be retrieve at runtime.

This is the type that Jackson defines:

public abstract class TypeReference<T> { 
    protected final Type _type;

    protected TypeReference() {
        Type superClass = this.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
        this._type = ((ParameterizedType)superClass).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; 

It is then used like this:

TypeReference<JsonResponse<User>> typeRef = new TypeReference<JsonResponse<User>>() {};

JsonResponse<User> jsonResponse = objectMapper.readValue(json, typeRef);
User user = jsonResponse.getResult();

If the type is not statically known, you can just construct your own type info:

JavaType javaType = objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(JsonResponse.class, User.class);
JsonResponse<User> jsonResponse = objectMapper.readValue(json, javaType);

Side note: Constructing a Type object for closed generic type, from an open one, has an equivalent in C#/.NET:

Type responseOfUser = typeof(JsonResponse<>).MakeGenericType([ typeof(User) ]);

The [ typeof(User) ] is a collection expression (Example: [1, 2, 3]) that will take on the collection type of the target parameter, which is Object[]. This syntax was introduced in C# 12, as a way to unify all the ways of initializing arrays and collections.

My thoughts on type erasure

Coming from .NET, I'm used to the runtime providing me all the type information when I need it. As .NET has a unified type system, I can retrieve the actual type of a parameter without any hassle.

When I first encountered Java, back at college in 2010, I immediately found the concept of type erasure in Java limiting. I was a bit disappointed that I could not get the type arguments through reflection.

Fast-forwarding to today, as I was getting more into generics and reflection when working on something that would be trivial to me in .NET, I became more aware of the differences.

There is one popular programming language that succeeded in using type erasure in a smart way - namely, TypeScript.

TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript that provides a structural type system which sits on top of the JavaScript type system. Neither the JavaScript language, or the runtimes, are aware of static types, and thus do not support for generics. So type annotations and generic type parameters get erased when the TypeScript code is compiled into pure JavaScript.

Information about generic type arguments are not available in TypeScript. Though there have been proposals to introduce metadata and a mechanism to supply that information.


This concludes my exploration of generics in Java and C#.

Having explored Java as a .NET develope, I do still prefer the way .NET runtime, the CLR, treats generic types, and types in general, at runtime. I have no problems with the syntax in Java, but it seems much harder to do advanced things without this extra type information at runtime. I simply can express it better in C# and .NET.

Is type erasure and the subsequent lack of runtime support for generics really an issue?

Not unless you write a framework that relies heavily on reflection - like a serializer - and you have to take generics into account. And of course for me as someone who is used to the runtime generics of .NET. Overall, it might be hard to get into it as a beginner, but you might advance in it, and learn stuff that few others master.

I hope you liked this walkthrough.

Marina Sundström

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